this site was created because i deleted my old site ( - reason being i felt that it didn't reflect the vibe i was going for with it. since i also did an oopsie and deleted that site while it still had the starshift name on... it means i cant access the starshift name anymore. my bad. i felt like i had added too much to it and that it had strayed too far away from what i was trying to imitate (nostalgia + web 1.0) - all of the subtle details representing the site tags were overshadowed by stuff like javascript, chatboxes, etc. although appealing at first, they, for lack of anything better to say, started to tear the site from it's clean roots. from now on, this will be a personal site. no talking as if i was behind a corporation, none of that kind of thing. this is to spread things close to me - like my interests, memories, experiences, basically everything that makes me, me. now that i've truly established my little corner of the internet, you're probably asking 'what is going to happen to this site over time'? i'm going to slowly but surely update it, just like i did with the old site, but without boatloads of bloat added to it. first update, if you're wondering, will most likely happen tomorrow (27/11/2024). anything you want to say about this site can go here: guestbook.

hello! this is me from tomorrow! this isn't a very big update, but i managed to make a custom not found page for the website. if you want to see it, just put any html link after the '.org' part of my website (that isn't index.html) and you should see it! there was going to be a ring circling around 'starshift', a bit like the internet explorer 3/4 throbber, but i didn't seem to be able to fit the ring in with it - maybe just because my pixel art skills aren't good, but that's a different story. i can put it in the site for you to see, then get your opinion on whether it looks great or not.

my pixel art of ring thingy

now, how does that look? it's a bit small, yeah, but overall, i don't really like it that much - i probably could've done a lot better with onion skinning, but for right now, this is probably the best i'm going to do with this type of thing. there should be a bigger update tomorrow - maybe i'll add a couple things to the site (28/11/2024).

hello again! this is me from the 28th. i'm here to present you something that i have chosen to add to my siteweb:

master boot record
favourite album master boot record :D

it's a link to the site of my favourite music maker/band/team/whatever you call it: master boot record!!! it's music feels very empowering, and is just overall a great thing to listen to while working, gaming, or etc. i also decided to make it an image map - one side sends you to my favourite one of it's albums, the other side sends you to it's channel! another thing i added to my site, if you have an eye for it, is the - sort of - splash text i added just under the title. instead of using javascript to change the text, i'm going to manually change it every day - in the spirit of a time where web automation didn't really exist yet.

heyo again! it's currently the 29th, and unfortunately, i have no update to add to the site today :(. however, if you have noticed the date, it is currently black friday!!! this means you can get a lot of tech stuffs at a cheaper price!!! this also goes into cyber monday (black friday but e-commerce) next monday - which means it is happening for quite a long time. go get your favourite appliances on amazon or whatever else on ebay! ebay is probably my favourite site for buying tech-related stuff. i have also been trying to make a bit of music in fl studio - while music-making takes a while - it can be very fun.

hey guys! very late update today, and not much of an update, but i want to show you some of my music:

i made it in fl studio - this time i tried to make some fast music (220 bpm) - i think it sounds pretty good, but that might just be because it's fast. i'm also learning more every song i make though!

hello! if you haven't already noticed the date today, it's the 1st of december! that means christmas is fast approaching! also, there won't probably be any updates for a while - apart from my development in making music. also also, i decided to use a table in seperating today from the other days! this is partially for an effort to make it look more what i want my site to look like.

hey hello! just a little notice - i might not update this text for a couple days on end, but i will still update the splash text. you can also open the second compartment on your advent calendars!

heyo guys! haven't updated in a while but im just putting this here to apologise for missing a day (of updating the splash text) because i was too sick to.

hello everybody! since it's around christmas time i'm going to be updating my site a lot with stuff like extra content, a theme, and, well, christmas stuff! to start off with that, i have a couple of 88x31 buttons for you guys:

internet explorer!!!i miss xp...get java!

there is also a link in the top right of the page if you haven't noticed, which will be the source of many of my updates over the following days...

Merry Christmas everybody!!! it is finally the 25th of December, which means it is time for presents!!! i have also gotten a 3D printer and two raspberry pi zeroes to experiment with, and maybe add something to the website...

hello again everybody. i forgot to update yesterday because i was messing around with my 3D printer - but there will DEFINITELY be an update today.

yello once more netizens. i changed the background back because it is not really christmas anymore, and is instead close to New Year's Day.

helo again guys!!! i know it's been a while but i have been kept busy with other things that i like to do, and important things like spending time with my family. i also have school to deal with, but that's a different story. i updated the distant reliquary a bit as preparation to write something in there tomorrow - there is more detail in the y2k section.

again hello. i have updated the distant reliquary a tiny bit AND i will be writing more in it tomorrow.

yellow - today i am going to put all of these updates into an rss feed instead of being on the page, because right now the website looks very similar to a diary...